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Covid Precautions- Why Masks are Important

Covid Precautions- Why Masks are Important 

Summer is one of the best times in the Flathead Valley.; Beautiful weather, parties with friends and families, time on the lake, tourists and out of town visitors. This summer comes with a lot of mixed emotions, varying philosophies and some trepidation. Regardless of where you fit in this scenario, the fact is there is a  very virulent virus that knows no boundaries. The direct effect on you may range from not being exposed  (due to diligent precautions) to contagious without symptoms-thus being an unknowing but active spreader, to mild symptoms, to worst case, hospitalized fighting for your life. Worse yet, closure of our economy and livelihood.  

We have enjoyed a freedom from the disease for much longer than most in this country.  Many people in the Valley have yet to experience the loss of a close friend or family member to the disease, thus not making it ‘real’ yet. However, people  who have from across the country are seeking a shelter from this storm and are coming in from far and wide in search of a safe haven to stay temporarily, live permanently, or for medical care. I have personally seen all scenarios many times over just in this past week.

Prevention is key, social responsibility for yourself and your neighbor is essential. 

The fact is masks do prevent spread from you to others by decreasing spray of saliva that we all spew with speaking coughing, and sneezing. The louder the voice, the more spray. Spray usually fall less than 6 feet from the source. Thus, physical distancing is an important part of prevention. There is now evidence showing that the virus is spread not only through droplet-spray of saliva, but also aerosol-meaning the fine mist of the sneeze cough or talking can hang in the air for up to 3 hours before it falls to the ground, making the virus available to anyone who walks by.  Wearing a mask over the NOSE and MOUTH prevents the spread from you, or your inhalation of a nonmask wearing person infected by the virus. 

I have attached a link from Smithsonian Magazine dated 2016, to demonstrate the powerful effect of a sneeze, and to keep current politics from any type of false suggestion. Note the droplets, and the aerosol. In a separate study by American Journal of Infectious Disease, again from 2016-to prevent any thought of bias, the proof that wearing a mask can vastly decrease the oral spray, thus spread of oral secretions on to the next person.

Direct exposure to the expired fine droplets or droplet nuclei results in short-range airborne transmission. Deposition of droplets and direct personal exposure to expired large droplets can lead to the fomite (surface) route and the droplet-borne route, respectively.

Conclusion:We propose that the short-range airborne route may be important in close contact (less than 6 feet), and its control may be achieved by face masks for the source patients (infected person) and use of personalized ventilation.


DOI: 10.1016/j.ajic.2016.06.003 

Protect yourself, those you love, and our community. Please wear a mask whenever you can’t maintain a 6 foot distance or are in a heavily used are, grocery store, box store or farmers market. Our economy, your health depends upon our consideration of others.