Location: 195 Commons Loop Ste. F
Kalispell, MT 59901 752-0303
PCOS Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome part 1
Whiskers, weight gain, missed/irregular periods, thin hair. These symptoms can be associated with imbalanced hormones, namely high testosterone and low estrogen and progesterone. In genetically susceptible women these are symptoms of Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome. Many small follicles that never have the chance to grow to a mature egg in the ovary.
PCOS is a very frustrating; it can disrupt fertility, cause anxiety and depression. Diagnosis is made by lab tests, not ultra sound of the ovaries. Standard treatments are blood sugar medication, metformin, testosterone reducing medication, spironolactone and treatments. That is about all conventional medicine has to offer. Functional medicine looks at diet, nutrients, sleep, and stress. There are four sub types of PCOS, depending upon which type you present with determines treatment. This approach can be a game changer for feeling good, re establishing normal periods and boosting fertility.
PCOS-Insulin Resistant Part 2
Do you have weight you just can’t loose? Acne? Facial hair? Elevated Blood sugar? Irregular periods? These are signs of PCOS with Insulin Resistance, the most common type of PCOS. Diet plays a very important role in managing this type; breakfast being the most important meal of your day. High insulin (blood sugar) increases testosterone decreases egg quality can cause acne and facial hair chin hair. Proper nutrition, making quality sleep a priority and stress reduction are all important factors to managing this. While this can never be cured, it can be well managed.
PCOS-Adrenal part 3
Stress? Stress? STRESS!! Your ovaries are very sensitive to stress and not enough calories. In this type of PCOS a woman has elevated DHEA a form or testosterone made in your adrenal glands. This in turn leads to acne, hair loss on top of your head and hair growth on your chin. Too much DHEA decreases the quality of your eggs and thus leads to rare ovulation. Simply put, periods can be anywhere from every month to 1-2 times per year. This causes very little natural progesterone and thus anxiety, poor sleep, fatigue and more stress. A vicious cycle. Stress can be physical, emotional, Too MUCH exercise, Too Much Caffeine, physiological-chronic underlying infection. Key getting enough to eat and self care. All components of a functional medicine care plan.
PCOS-Post Birth Control Pill part 4
Did you have normal periods before you went on hormone birth control? Are they elusive now? Were you started on ‘the pill’ before you knew what a normal period was due to acne, sports, painful periods? Are you anxiously awaiting return of your period now that you are ready to plan a family? Hormone birth control prevents natural ovulation and progesterone production. Take heart, key nutrients, good nutrition, that support progesterone production can be the key to restarting your cycles. All essential components of a functional medicine care.
PCOS-Inflammation Part 5
Insomnia, IBS, Eczema, depression, cancer cores, bloating, headaches, brain fog-sound familiar? These are all symptoms of inflammation and can affect the health of a forming egg, ovulation and production of progesterone and estrogen. Diet, lifestyle are key, all components of a functional medicine visit.
Power of Progesterone!
Estrogen is the energizer Progesterone is the calming warm hug. Without out progesterone or not enough, women can experience, prolonged heavy periods,PMS, PMDD, anxiety, poor sleep. Hormone birth control suppress natural progesterone. PCOS is a state of low progesterone. Progesterone can be safely prescribed to younger women to reduce PMS symptoms, and in women who are near menopause, both of whom are experiencing heavy periods, anxiety and or PMS. Progesterone is essential for any postmenopausal woman on hormone replacement therapy who still have their uterus. However, it works in synergy with estrogen in those who don’t.