Location: 195 Commons Loop Ste. F

Kalispell, MT 59901  752-0303

For emergency cases:  Call 911

Welcome to Glacier Women's Health and Wellness

Hello and Welcome to Glacier Women’s Health and Wellness's first wellness blog. 

A little bit about me, I am a family nurse practitioner, I have been a nurse for 25+ years working mainly in women’s health and gastrointestinal health. In 2007 I received a board certification as a certified nutritionist that included completing a 160 hour internship with a registered dietitian focusing mainly on weight loss and gastrointestinal health.  In 2013 I received my masters degree from Frontier Nursing University as a nurse practitioner in family medicine.  I have completed the series of seven courses in functional medicine from the Institute for Functional Medicine,  and will soon(as Covid allows!)have certification with the North American Menopause Society as a certified Menopause Provider. Good food and cooking is so much a part of who I am that I share my knowledge of both as the CSA (community sponsored agriculture) health coach for Lower Valley Farms here in the Flathead Valley, supporting my passion for sharing and teaching the importance whole foods and good nutrition.

I am passionate about health, wellness and providing individualized care to every patient, no cookie cutter, get em in get em out as fast as possible in this independently owned clinic. 

This blog will focus on ways you can improve and or maintain optimal health. As a provider I will give you the tools, to adjust and make positive change for your health and wellbeing.